Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Proper Portraits: The Amazing Stella Ehrich

It's spring and that means that the amazing Stella Ehrich is headed back to Dallas!  I just love it when I get the email from her that she is headed my way.  She is one of the loveliest people I have had the pleasure to meet. 

A few years ago, she painted a portrait of my son and he just fell in love with her too!  At the age of five, this was the first adult he referred to as his "friend" and it truly warmed my heart.  She captured every detail of his charming little spirit and physical traits that made me smile as well.  She even caught that his second toe on his left foot slightly crosses over the third, just like my father's does.  

But I am not the only mother who has been thrilled with Stella's work.  Here are some excerpts from some notes that mother's have sent to her after they have received the portraits:

"Honestly, there are no words to describe my endless gratitude to you for creating such a beautiful portrait of my love, Hannah.
You have created a perfect reflection of the most precious gift in my life, my daughter.
Your generous, kind spirit is so beautiful  and comforting. Thank you for all that you are. You too are a gift "
    Sandra Magsamen

"Well, I am finally over my emotional reaction to seeing Will's portrait.  (She burst into tears when she walked into the studio.)  You have done a remarkable job of capturing his essence and channeling it through his eyes and smile into your painting.  There is something very much like the Mona Lisa in his face - you have caught a spectrum of emotions in this single expression.  I could not be one iota happier.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"
 Gayle Brindley

So, now it is your turn to meet Stella and commission a work.  She will be in Dallas April 16th - 28t and you don't want to miss this wonderful opportunity to meet with her.  You can read a bit more about the process of the portrait by clicking here.  I know you will be as happy with it as I have been.  I can't wait for my daughter to reach the age of five so that we can have her sit for Stella!

Please give her a call at 802-922-3989 or email her at

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