Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stay in the Loop!

I can not tell you how excited I am to be In the Loop with information for Moms and Kids with a fantastic website I recently discovered. A fellow mom referred me to it when I told her that I needed to find a regular baby sitter. I recently met the website's founder, Christine McKenny, a mother who started the site to share the information that she would often be looking for. It is an incredible resource and I hope you will check it out. It has information on everything from Health and Safety to Story Times and Library Events. One of the real highlights is recipes for kids from star chefs such as Kent Rathburn and Chris Ward! There is a listing of classes for kids on topics that range from pottery to Yoga. The babysitter and nanny listing is probably one of the most helpful parts of the site. Sign up for the weekly newsletter so that you can stay in the loop!

1 comment:

  1. That is a cool website. TY Kimberly I listen every morning to you.



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