Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Paperless Post

I am often asked how I feel about email invitations, notes, etc. I wish I had a clear answer! I still have a great passion for paper and love snail mail but I also understand that, in today's world, email rules! I do insist that Thank You Notes should be written by hand on pretty stationery or cards but I often send out invitations via email.
I discovered a fantastic way to combine traditional beautiful papers and email with the Paperless Post! It is so great! You can choose your paper and envelope, lay out your invitation and even select an envelope liner. The designs are so elegant and draw their inspiration from some of my favorite stationeirs such as Smythson and Wren Press. When your guests receive the email, they click on a link that takes them to a page with an envelope on it! They click on the envelope to open their mail and an invitation comes out. It is the closest thing I can think of to that fantastic experience of opening an actual piece of mail! I love it! It is about $5 for 60 letters and you are charged in "stamps." Check it out today!

1 comment:

  1. PP is an excellent site! also check out for greetings and cards, which is featured in Vanity Fair this month. use COCOFRIENDS promo code at checkout to use it free.



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