Thursday, January 7, 2010

3-3-3 of Thank You Notes

Today, thank you notes have a place in our world more than ever. Showing gratitude is so important, especially after the holidays! If writing a note sounds daunting to you, check out this tip from etiquette expert, Colleen Richenbacker. She calls it the 3-3-3 of Thank You Notes!
1. It should only take THREE minutes to write a Thank You Note.
Always mention the gift, how it will be used and then end with the hope that you will see each other soon or work together soon, etc. Always be appropriate to the person you are writing to and the situation but make it personal.
2. A Thank You Note should only take THREE lines!
This does not include the salutation (Dear Kelly) or the closing (My best, Kimberly).
3. You should send it out in THREE days!
Your goal should always be so send a note out within three days of receipt of the gift. Of course, this often doesn't happen. A thank you note is always appropriate so even if months have passed, write a note anyway!

Here is a sample from Colleen of a wonderful Thank You Note:

Dear Kimberly,
Thank you so much for the beautiful floral arrangement. It brightens up my office and is absolutely perfect. It was such a pleasure working with you on the event and I am looking foward to many more events together.
My best,

I love that this note "sounds" like Colleen's voice. The best notes sound personal and show your personality.

Here are a few more of Colleen's tips for addressing and stamping your Thank You Notes:
  • Always write and print clearly
  • Always hand write addresses (no labels)
  • Fill in notes are only appropriate if you are under age 6.
  • Use a stamp (not metered postage)
  • You may use a label, seal or stamp for your return address.

1 comment:

  1. I heard your segment on 103.7 on goals. Thank you that is great information and ideas. I love your blog. Today is my first visit. I will be following on twitter as well.



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