Friday, August 12, 2016

Friday Favorites: Back to School

Can't believe it is time to get ready for back to school!  I have one more week with my little ones all to myself and I'm going to soak it all up and capture every moment with this! 

My son wears a uniform and, after a great deal of trying, we finally found a short and shirt style that he loves!  There was a whole lot of "this is too ..... " (fill in the blank with scratchy, loose, tight, short, etc!) So relieved to finally find some that he loves!  These almost feel like athletic clothes with the look that fits the uniform code!

All of these sparkly things are on Millie's wish list: boots - tennis - headband -  patch for her backpack - tee-shirt -  leggings!  Gracious!


  1. I'm dying to know what dress you linked, but the link goes to a (super cute!) straw hat instead!
    Love the sparkly little girls things :)
