Wednesday, April 29, 2015

One Room Challenge: Week 5 - The Final Countdown

Well, it's cold in Dallas but I'm sweatin!

In less than a week, the dining room at White Oaks Ranch is being photographed for the One Room Challenge!

I am seriously down to the wire on these final touches. Seriously!

 The Ronda Carman Fine Fabrics Pale Blue Check arrived this morning!  Yay!  Ronda was amazing and had it sent overnight so that my upholsterer could get started.

We decided to recover the chairs that were in our former home.  When Justin and I were first married, we had a dining room with a rectangular table.  Our current house has a square dining room and a round table and these chairs were tucked away in storage so I'm excited to bring them back to life with a makeover and place them at the ranch.

We played around with a few ideas for the trim and landed on these rustic nails.  I think the room needs a few "ranchy" touches and I think these chairs will take the edge off of the modern paper.  What do you think?

Big huge major thanks are going to my Upholstery Master if he is able to get the chairs recovered by Monday.  BIG!  He says he can do it but I'll sleep better when I know they are done.

One major hiccup - the rug pad arrived but not the rug!  We tried to track it but the system was down so saying I'm stressed about the rug is a pretty major understatement. I hate to jump the gun but I might be searching for Plan B this afternoon!  Any suggestions on where to find a 9x13ish black jute rug in DFW?

Photo by John Cain Sargent
One nice thing that fell into place this week - My sister, Krystal moved to a new apartment last week and her dining table didn't fit so I get to move it to the ranch!  It is the table seen in this post we did last fall.  It might be the tiniest bit large for the room but I'm excited to give it a whirl.

AND....the best part of my week....the pair of Gustavian Buffets I have been lusting after from Wisteria are in stock and ready to move to White Oaks Ranch!  So excited!

Anyway, I really just can't wait to share the big reveal with you a week from today and I can't wait to see what everyone else has been up to!  Thanks for sharing this process with me and always being so encouraging!


To check out my previous posts and get caught up on my progress, you can follow the links below:

and to see what all of the other nineteen bloggers have been doing, you can find their posts by clicking on their links below:


  1. love those chairs! Can't wait to see it all next week!

  2. Deep breaths...Thrilled to see the final product. It is looking fab!

  3. I can't wait to see the final product. Kim, you are great!

  4. Fingers crossed on the rug. I love the fabric for the chairs, and the buffets are beautiful.

  5. Love that fabric for the chairs and the rustic touch with the nails. Hope your rug comes so we can see the whole room together! Good Luck!

  6. I Loove your side boards & fabric choice for the chairs! Fingers crossded on the rug but I'm sure it will look amazing without! Can't wait for the reveal!
