Saturday, January 28, 2017

Slumber Party Popcorn Bar

My sister and I love to get our little ones together.  The tots are only five weeks apart so planning fun playdates is a blast!  When she suggested that we have a little slumber party as a Valentine's Day celebration, she said that she would provide the PJs if I could come up with a project to keep them busy!  

I settled on a simple popcorn bar that would satisfy their need for sweets, my love of savory and keep them busy with something fun to create (that doesn't create a mess!)  I set out a big bowl of buttered popcorn, a bunch of brown paper lunch sacks decorated with paper doily hearts and a few little dishes full of candy on a table in Kari's room.  

Before the cartoons started, we changed into our darling new jammies from Charmajesty.  Can you handle how cute they are?  (My sister is the US Ambassador for the brand so you can check out her blog for a discount code or email her at to order!)

Then I helped the little ones each fill a bag with popcorn. 

They added the toppings they wanted to the bag before I rolled up the tops and let them have fun shaking them to mix the toppings and the popcorn together!  Click here to check out this precious video of them shaking it up!

I put out all sorts of red and white candies, m and ms, red hots, conversation hearts, shredded coconut, chocolate chips and peanuts (my favorite mix!)

When they were done with the mix, I rolled down the top and we settled in for some screen time!

The cartoons were followed by a pillow fight but, don't worry, they made up after battle with big hugs.

so Kari and I hugged it out too!

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